Celebrating Women's History Month

Candice Cage

Candice Cage

IT Applications Manager
IT Shared Services
Thousand Oaks, California USA

Length of Service

​3 years

What I love most about my job at Teledyne?​

I love my team and the strong leadership in our group. I have an environment where I can share my experiences and knowledge and learn from the experiences and knowledge of others. I love working with all my customers and providing solutions and tools that benefit a range of business processes. My work is valued and I feel appreciated.

What advice would you give to someone just starting out or making a career change?

The advice I would give to someone just starting out or making a career change is to do something that makes you happy. I took a step away from IT years ago to pursue a career in Film Producing that I thought was my passion, but at the end of the day I found that that path did not make me happy. I could have had a very successful career but the money or the fame would have not meant anything without happiness. Working in IT I am good at what I do, my creative interests are nurtured and by and large I am very excited to get up each day and come to work. Happiness is my measure of a successful career! ​​​