

Vice President and General Manager
Teledyne Energy Systems
United States

Length of Service

22 years

Tell us a little about your current role and what you enjoy most about it?

I was recently promoted to Vice President of Teledyne Energy Systems. I am really excited to be given this opportunity to lead the company that I have been a part of for the last 22 years. I enjoy working on the wide variety of unique products that we design, develop, and build at TESI. With all of the growth and focus on alternative energy, this is an exciting time to be part of the battery, fuel cell, and hydrogen industries. But, what I really enjoy the most about TESI are the people. Everyone truly cares about each other, and takes pride in what they do. There is a real family feel here. I look forward to leading Teledyne Energy Systems as we continue to grow.

Who is someone that empowered you in your youth? How did they empower you?

My grandmother is someone who was very influential to me in my youth, and is still an inspiration to me today. She was a working mother back when most women did not have a job outside of the home. She taught high school math and physical education, which were two subjects not normally taught by women. While these two subjects probably influenced my decision to go into engineering and my love of sports; more importantly they showed me that women can do anything that they set their mind to. From an early age, I saw that women truly could have a job and be a terrific mom. I know if she were here today, my grandmother would be very proud of my career at TESI.

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