Alison McGuinness
Head of HR Digital Imaging
Teledyne e2v
Chelmsford, UK
Length of Service
4 years
What I love most about my job at Teledyne?
It is so varied; I work with very talented people who help create amazing products that make a real difference to people’s lives. I have an international role which means I get to work with so many different people from all across the globe. I get to share my HR experience and lead a team who are passionate about helping our employees and managers.
What is the biggest risk you have taken?
There have been many. I moved to France when I was 18 with no job or anywhere to stay, a friend and I had a tent and a backpack and off we went, just like that. Another time, I resigned from a job when I was 5 months pregnant even though I didn’t have a role to go to. At the time it was more important to me, to work in a company where I could make a difference, rather than just tread water. Taking risks is a personal choice, everyone has their own tolerance level but, in my experience, big risks can bring big rewards. I have learnt so much about myself, my abilities and fears through taking risks.